I've woken today to the wonder of what Christ's resurrection means. True it is the season where we remember His coming; but in His coming we find the seed of His giving, enabling life. Christ gave Himself once for all; His death on Calvary was a forecast of His resurrection to come, for the God-man could not be held by death. When He rose from the dead, the gateway to personal recovery was opened for all see, feel, and relish. Scripture helps us re-imagine recovery through God's eyes. God's road to recovery begins in our choice to stand broken by the cross then run strong in the unchained power of His resurrection. It's time we re-image recovery. All of us find ourselves held by chains. Whether we're floored by pride or personal excess; Resurrection Road is a throughway we must traverse weekly if we're to live free from what easily binds. A ready view of the resurrection proves life-altering and empowering. By its nature, Christ's resurrection was immediate and transforming. The stillness of death was lost in the untethered brightness and true Glory of God, alive. Everything changed when Christ rose alive. The church would find its fuse to turn a stone-hearted world upside down; for the the curse of death was reversed as Christ knew restored life by fulfilling His Father's mission.
As Christ's living His Father's mission was a guarantee of favor and power: your living your Father's mission is a grant of favor and power in your living. Faith alone in the resurrection power of Christ is a sure pathway to recovery today. As Christ stepped from death's darkness into the excitement and expectancy of the coming Church Age; we must step out of darkness into the new beginnings in God's choosing for us. Each step down Resurrection Road begins with belief in what Christ did, which bears further down our road to recovery. As we feel the story of how Christ's trust in His Father's mission raised Him to new heights of life and restored glory; we'll feel our potential to relive that power daily. The resurrection power of Christ is our only sufficient reserve of strength and grace to walk in victory. When we lose sight of this all-important reserve, choosing instead to man life on our own; our strength fails and we're reduced to reliance on His resurrection power, which alone can save. Will you begin broken at the cross then feel Christ's quality life replace your lostness as you choose to live again.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The good, grateful life is God living through us
An honest appraisal of the lost and Christian world leads us to a sad realization. Many roam as strangers craving release.
and say to him, 'God, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you with this message, "Release my people so that they can worship me in the wilderness." So far you haven't listened. Exodus 7:16
We live in a world on the run where the desire to have more, be more, and do more dominates. The pull to mirror modern-day ways lures many into living to impress. This lure tends to bring with it financial, relational, and spiritual luggage, which scar irreparably. Release me is the silent cry of many in search of the good life, particularly in urban areas.
The cry is the same in Christians. Quickly we forget our status and stature as citizens of a better country, heaven, falling rather for the glitz and fancies of this life. In our passion to reach others through the River running through us, God, and our relevant lives; we oft get enchanted by the world's Turkish Delight, allowing its treats to hook us. Believers also fall under the "doing" spell where they forget the secret of authenticity, a life knit with God, which overflows in passionate heart and help to a lost world. Not careful we settle instead for the "right path," living defined by our fidelity to Christ's commands and our call to service. Though this is necessary, without the backdrop of a relationship with Christ, which runs deep; our service will be be loveless, self-serving, and fleeting.
Release me is the recurring cry of many desiring to stay current.
Renew me becomes the cry of those opting to do God's will and work their way.
The fix to wrongful enchantment in unbeliever and believer,alike, the fountain the believer lost in "Martha Syndrome" craves is found in Jesus.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ESV
Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Matthew 11:29 MSG
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:30 MSG
Find your fix and fountain of fulfillment today in the reservoir of a personal relationship with Jesus.
We can graduate into thankful, selfless living if we'll allow our souls to tap and touch the refreshment ours in Christ.
As Christ is given free rein to live His life through us the rest is history.
and say to him, 'God, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you with this message, "Release my people so that they can worship me in the wilderness." So far you haven't listened. Exodus 7:16
We live in a world on the run where the desire to have more, be more, and do more dominates. The pull to mirror modern-day ways lures many into living to impress. This lure tends to bring with it financial, relational, and spiritual luggage, which scar irreparably. Release me is the silent cry of many in search of the good life, particularly in urban areas.
The cry is the same in Christians. Quickly we forget our status and stature as citizens of a better country, heaven, falling rather for the glitz and fancies of this life. In our passion to reach others through the River running through us, God, and our relevant lives; we oft get enchanted by the world's Turkish Delight, allowing its treats to hook us. Believers also fall under the "doing" spell where they forget the secret of authenticity, a life knit with God, which overflows in passionate heart and help to a lost world. Not careful we settle instead for the "right path," living defined by our fidelity to Christ's commands and our call to service. Though this is necessary, without the backdrop of a relationship with Christ, which runs deep; our service will be be loveless, self-serving, and fleeting.
Release me is the recurring cry of many desiring to stay current.
Renew me becomes the cry of those opting to do God's will and work their way.
The fix to wrongful enchantment in unbeliever and believer,alike, the fountain the believer lost in "Martha Syndrome" craves is found in Jesus.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ESV
Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Matthew 11:29 MSG
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:30 MSG
Find your fix and fountain of fulfillment today in the reservoir of a personal relationship with Jesus.
We can graduate into thankful, selfless living if we'll allow our souls to tap and touch the refreshment ours in Christ.
As Christ is given free rein to live His life through us the rest is history.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thrive at what you do though it isn't what you planned to do
Most would agree that we spend most of lives doing something we didn't see ourselves doing. The challenge of our lives then is to do what God deals us heartily and creatively regardless of our feelings regarding what we do. The Tim Tebow story has riveted me. How about Timmy taking it to the Jets last night. His story resonates with me in a special way because I share his belief system as a fellow Christian. Tim could easily have been a tight end or wide receiver in the NFL, but time proved that he'd be a quarterback in high school, through college, and remarkably now as a Denver Bronco. As a quarterback, Tim is unorthodox and lacks the fine-tuned pocket presence and throwing motion, which define greats like Elway. Heart and will trump ability most days. As we struggle with what we do daily, wishing at times we were doing something more in keeping with our gifting; we need to wear an attitude of willingness accepting our present calling. I'm thankful Tim didn't choose to moan his lack of pure throwing motion or his disinclination to even throw the ball; Tim knows he thrives best when he accepts the gifts, specially granted him by God, using them to man his life mission. It's the same with us, it's not where you are in life but what you do about where you are. We can choose to live the poor outlook of most, living wishing we were more gifted at what we do or we can bloom where we're planted, growing where we are. To thrive in life will require our being content with our God-given place in life. Live and grow where God has you now and find yourself a thriving, normal person others want to emulate.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Close to Grace, we can live gainfully in a true garden state
Magical, whimsical, enrapturing are the words that capture the bliss felt around a couple, who live in true union each day. God created man to spill over with the joy close union with Him brings. Somehow in Eden Adam and Eve disdained the gain God gifted them in His rich grace by their carnal curiosity, tasting of the wrong tree, a mistake, which damned man to eternal loss "were it not for Grace." Glee and innocent sheen radiated from Adam and Eve as they traversed the garden living true to God's goodness; but when they failed to treasure their true union with God failure quickly followed. Grace provides us the privilege of gain, life in the true garden state. It's a state where intimacy with Christ shows itself in innocence-pure, uninhibited freedom. Adam and Eve's fail in the garden was not true reality; it was anything but God's design for man. Thankfully, Grace wasn't trumped by their failure and grace flowed from the Second Adam, Christ, Who redeemed us; restoring us the possibility of intimacy with God. As Adam and Eve lived loss, when they got away from living overtaken by the gift, the game-changer Grace is; we too need to treasure God's grace and live in the garden state that is Grace. The garden state is a place of intimate union with Christ, where close to Him love, purity, and strength permeates through us. As a close couple lives unashamed, fulfilled, and free in their mutual union; our call is to live changed by the innocence knowing God brings. Our lives too can be a garden and wellspring of enrichment to others as we feature Grace
daily, allowing it to be the guidepost in all we are. Live in the true garden state today.
daily, allowing it to be the guidepost in all we are. Live in the true garden state today.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
There's a secret to strengthening your witness
An eye-opening reality has overwhelmed me lately. After served for years in contexts, where your first focus in interacting with others was finding out where they'd spend their eternity; I often lost sight of how needy the world was around me. In my passion to "save men from the burning"; I often glossed over their need, believing their placing their trust in Christ was first and foundational to their needs being met. But is this so? A close look at the ministries of Jesus and Paul shows how easily we get the cart before the horse. Their ministries were geared to the needs-material, emotional, and spiritual- of the people around them. The reality is that people generally need to feel our compassion first before they can be gripped with the cold truth that they are in jeopardy of eternal judgement. As we feel the compassion of Christ-healing and helping-the heartbeat of Paul to-not neglecting the poor and needy-our hearts are turned toward the needy masses, who flock our society. Helpless widows; homeless former successes, and unloved children roam our roadways-sheep needing to feel the touch of us, His hands and feet. I'm all for the Gospel message spilling out of us regularly and clearly, for many times, accepted, it helps people climb out of their crises; but just giving the Gospel proves many times the easy way. The challenge of Christian living is not telling the Gospel message but radiating it in ways, which stir others to trust its truth and go on to radiate the reality of its truth. Our challenge is to assume a posture of surrender to the way of the Master, meeting the needs of those around us, Who was inclined to first touch others with the Gospel before He talk about its potential impact.
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt, rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash, Seats them among the honored guests, a place of honor among the brightest and best. Ps. 113:7,8 (The Message)
"I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it." ~ Thomas Aquinas
Monday, November 7, 2011
Are you a "God-chaser" or just plain elusive
As Christians we've been given freedom at great cost. The cross was nothing short of guaranteed liberty to please God. However in intentionally seeking to please God, many set unreasonable standards by which they and others will please God, leading an unbelieving world to see Christianity as cold religion and not life-changing relationship. Brought into freedom in Christ, it is tempting to not see freedom in Christ for how full-orbed it is. It's not just freedom to fulfill Christ's demands but freedom to relish life in its beauty and fulness, freedom to know blessing and bless others as we live "under rank," in allegiance to our Master. Many Christians cross the line of faith having endured hard lives in unbelief, where they craved the drunk state, gambled till they lost much, and lived for fallen fantasies. On getting saved, these people are candidates for lives defined by their personal preferences. Instead of being advocates for godly balance, they tend to impose strict codes on themselves and others. Though their life rules may be reasonable for them because of their personal weaknesses, those life rules may not be best for everyone. Too often people in the world look at the fabricated codes of believers, which may frown on social drinking, fun dancing, light gambling and wonder who wrote the rules, us or God. Our featuring our brand of Christianity and our powerlessness to Scripturally excoriate these practices make us law-givers in the minds of unbelievers or attune young Christians. The time has come for discipleship to be more organic. It's high time people are led to God rather than "accepted Christian norms." Our focus needs to be compelling people in our sphere of their appointment with Christ beyond the grave. The reality of seeing Christ after death and His grand design to make hearts His home are real time catalysts, stirring people to ponder their relationship with God. Our lives need to effervesce "truth, beauty, justice, community." If we're to win others to faith in Christ; it'll not be by our rigid code of conduct; rather it'll be by living lives enlivened by active relationship with Christ. People don't care for your code, they care for your fulfillment Source. Our faith is the envy of our neighbors, when it makes us more neighborly, not elusive. My neighbor, who lives for drugs won't be drawn to Christ by what I do or don't do but by how the Christ I possess changes my way with him. Too often we placate others by our commitment to our own "right regimen," which many times is of our own making, not God's. People out there have a misconstrued concept of what Christianity is many times because Christianity is often misrepresented as a list of "do's" and "dont's." We have a responsibility as Christians to represent the true heart change Christ brings when He enters the heart at salvation. He enlivens the heart filling it with heavenly desires and a built-in Control, His Spirit, Who moves us down paths best for us. In love with Christ, we'll have no heart for fallen addictions; we'll be the story of hearts with crowded space, hearts full of who Christ is and beating with Kingdom desire, hearts which enjoy responsibly things in this world, for while they relish this world's good they wait longingly for another World. Don't force your rules for living onto others; instead lead them into the good life, the life which embraces in trust the work Christ did on Calvary with a spirit of love and personal duty. The love of Christ and what it does in one's heart has a way of leading people into lives which live to honor it. Transformation by Christ's selfless work on Calvary alone is the way to lead a life holy, alive and transported, in His eyes.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - 1 Pet. 2:9 MSG
His inside-out difference runs deeper than what we do or don't do. Its all about the privilege of daily dates with Him, a lifestyle of true union with Him which is lifestyle transforming.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - 1 Pet. 2:9 MSG
His inside-out difference runs deeper than what we do or don't do. Its all about the privilege of daily dates with Him, a lifestyle of true union with Him which is lifestyle transforming.
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