Magical, whimsical, enrapturing are the words that capture the bliss felt around a couple, who live in true union each day. God created man to spill over with the joy close union with Him brings. Somehow in Eden Adam and Eve disdained the gain God gifted them in His rich grace by their carnal curiosity, tasting of the wrong tree, a mistake, which damned man to eternal loss "were it not for Grace." Glee and innocent sheen radiated from Adam and Eve as they traversed the garden living true to God's goodness; but when they failed to treasure their true union with God failure quickly followed. Grace provides us the privilege of gain, life in the true garden state. It's a state where intimacy with Christ shows itself in innocence-pure, uninhibited freedom. Adam and Eve's fail in the garden was not true reality; it was anything but God's design for man. Thankfully, Grace wasn't trumped by their failure and grace flowed from the Second Adam, Christ, Who redeemed us; restoring us the possibility of intimacy with God. As Adam and Eve lived loss, when they got away from living overtaken by the gift, the game-changer Grace is; we too need to treasure God's grace and live in the garden state that is Grace. The garden state is a place of intimate union with Christ, where close to Him love, purity, and strength permeates through us. As a close couple lives unashamed, fulfilled, and free in their mutual union; our call is to live changed by the innocence knowing God brings. Our lives too can be a garden and wellspring of enrichment to others as we feature Grace
daily, allowing it to be the guidepost in all we are. Live in the true garden state today.
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